How to Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Website

How to Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Website

If you’re looking to monetize your WordPress website and earn some extra income, one of the best ways is by adding Google AdSense.

Google AdSense allows you to display targeted ads on your site and get paid when visitors interact with them.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of adding Google AdSense to your WordPress site, even if you’re new to the world of website monetization.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Sign up for Google AdSense

The first thing you need to do is sign up for a Google AdSense account. Visit the Google AdSense website and click on the “Sign up now” button. Follow the prompts to create your account, provide your website URL, and agree to the terms and conditions.

Step 2: Set up your AdSense account

Once you’ve signed up, it’s time to set up your AdSense account. Fill in your contact and payment information accurately so that Google can send your earnings. Remember to choose your preferred language and select the ad types that best suit your website.

Step 3: Generate AdSense code

After setting up your account, you’ll need to generate the AdSense code. Click on the “Ads” tab in your AdSense account and choose the type of ad you want to display on your WordPress site. Customize the ad format, style, and colors to match your website’s design. Once you’re done, click on the “Save and get code” button.

Step 4: Install an AdSense plugin

To simplify the process of adding the AdSense code to your WordPress site, you can install an AdSense plugin. There are several plugins available, such as “Ad Inserter,” “AdSense Plugin WP QUADS,” and “Advanced Ads.” Install and activate the plugin of your choice from the WordPress plugin repository.

Step 5: Configure the AdSense plugin

Once the plugin is activated, navigate to its settings page in your WordPress dashboard. You’ll usually find the settings under a new menu item named “AdSense” or similar. Enter your AdSense code in the designated area, or follow the plugin’s instructions to link your AdSense account. Save the changes.

Step 6: Place ads on your WordPress site

Now it’s time to decide where you want to display the ads on your website. With the AdSense plugin, you can easily insert ads in various locations. For example, you can choose to display ads within your posts, in the sidebar, or between paragraphs. Explore the plugin’s options and choose the placement that suits your preferences.

Step 7: Monitor your AdSense performance

Once your ads are live on your WordPress site, you can track their performance through your AdSense account. The AdSense dashboard provides valuable insights into ad impressions, clicks, and revenue generated. Use this data to optimize your ad placement and maximize your earnings.


You’ve successfully added Google AdSense to your WordPress website. By following these simple steps, you can start monetizing your site and earn revenue from ad interactions. Remember to always comply with Google’s policies and guidelines to ensure a positive experience for both your visitors and yourself. Good luck with your website monetization journey!

Hi, I'm Shweta Arora, a passionate blogger with a rich background spanning 4 years. My niche revolves around small business, blogging, and novel money-making concepts. Dive into my blog for expert insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories tailored to fuel your entrepreneurial spirit. Let's navigate the dynamic world of business together, turning ideas into profitable business.

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