YouTube View Count Frozen In The About Section

YouTube View Count Frozen In The About Section

If you’re a fellow YouTuber wondering whether you’re the only one facing issue with frozen views in the “About” section of your YouTube Channel, join the club!

My YouTube views in the about Section have been fixed ever since, it has been more than 3 weeks now but the views in the about section of YouTube are not blinking an eye at all.


YouTube View Count Bug


YouTube is currently facing an issue with its view counts in the about section. Though an official statement hasn’t been released in this regard, several YouTubers and content creators approached YouTube on Twitter to report this issue:

However, Team YouTube has been consistently referring to it as a “Views Vetting Process“.


According to YouTube, it takes time to verify all your video views and it is only once they are certified that they appear as video views in the about section.

Despite the incessant concerns being raised with YouTube regarding this issue, YouTube is not terming it as a bug and is instead insisting on it being a delayed display of views.


Three weeks is a long span for any YouTuber to not be able to see his/her YouTube views. So, here are two alternatives to analyze your view count:


1. YouTube Studio


One of the ways to measure the view count is to track your analytics in the YouTube Studio. The only drawback of this option is that your views are delayed by 24 hours (sometimes even 40 hours).

But, it can give you a good enough estimate of both your Lifetime views and the views in the last 48 hours. You can add them both and it will approximately be the non-vetted number of views of your channel.


2. TubeBuddy


You can install a free plugin called TubeBuddy for YouTube which tracks your Lifetime views and the views of last 30 days and mentions them on the Channel home page itself:

The best part about TubeBuddy is that you can also measure any other channel’s views which you cannot do with YouTube Studio. However, a limitation at its end is that the Lifetime views shown are frozen for both your channel and someone else’s. You can however compare the last 30 days views.

So, these are two alternates of measuring your YouTube views if they are not being accurately shown on the “About” page. Hope this issue gets resolved soon.


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